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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hack Online Games

I will show you How to Hack FLASH based Online games using Cheat Engine.
I'm using Cheat Engine 5.2, but you can Download Latest at http://cheatengine.4dwebhosting.com/CheatEngine53.exe

here we go..

1. Open your any Online Flash Game in Firefox or IE Browser, I will hack DesktopTD 1.0 > http://www.handdrawngames.com/DesktopTD/Default.asp?cc=1

2. I hope u have now Opened ur flash game in Browser with no other Browsers window Opened. Now Open Cheat Engine.

3. In CE, click Open Process List & Select firefox.exe & click OK.- see Image

4. ooh, and One More thing I forgot to tell u, Open Calculator.
& now go in DesktopTD game & place some Weapons (Towers), then see how many GOLD you have left.
I placed a Pallet Tower (Cost 5 GOLD)
So now I have left with 75 GOLD.

5. So now I will Multiply 75 x 8 which = 600
(e.g. For example, you want to increase your health from 200 to a higher number. Just multiple 200 with 8 which equals to 1600. At CheatEngine, enter 1600 at the value and click on First Scan button. )

6. Now when a Searched I found 1607 values, but we want less.

7. Now Spend some more GOLD. I spent GOLD on "Squirt Tower" (Cost 15 GOLD). & now i have Left 60 GOLD in pocket.

8. Now in CE, Select Scan Type "Decreased Value" & click on NEXT SCAN > see Image -
9. & now i Found 38 , so Right click on them & click "Select All items" & click that RED arrow > see Image -
10. & now Double click on that 480 value & replace it by 80000, & now spent some Money & now u must have above 9900 GOLD.


You can also hack Online games like WarRock with "WPE pro 0.9"[ http://wpepro.net/ ]
1. Disable AV
2. Run WPE pro 0.9
3. Run WarRock
4. ALT + TAB out of game
5. in WPE pro 0.9 click "Target Program" > select warrock.exe
6. in WarRock go in Urban Ops, Hurt yourself. Now go near a Medic or Weapon Refile point > ALT+TAB > go in WPE pro 0.9 > click Black Triangle [RECORD] > record till 40 or 39 packets > STOP
7. in WPE pro 0.9 > Right click on that Packet > select "add to send list" & "Set send list with this socket id" simultaneously.
8. Click "Send" (near FILTERS)
9. Tick "New send" & click PLAY button
10. New window will POPUP > select "Continuously" & Timer: 100 & then click PLAY.
11. go in warrock & your ammo or Health will get refilled by time by time.

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Monday, October 22, 2007

Change Static IP


To start off, you need a direct connection to your modem and computer. If you have a router, disconnect it and directly hook up your modem to your computer.

1. Open up the command prompt by pressing Start->Run and typing in cmd

2. In the command prompt, type “Ipconfig/all”. This will tell you your current IP Address. After, type “ipconfig/release”. Keep the command prompt open for easy access.

3. Go to “Network Connections” (accessible through the control panel). Right click “Local Area Connection” and click “Properties”

4. With “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) selected, click the “Properties” button.

5. A new window will open. Under the “General” tab, select “Use the Following IP address”. Under “Ip Address”, put “″. Press the “Tab” key on your keyboard.

6. Press Ok on both open windows.

7. Repeat steps 3-4. Under the “General” tab, press the radio button “Automatically Assign Me an Ip Address”. Press ok on both windows.

8. Go back to the command prompt and type in “Ipconfig/all”. You’ll now notice you have a new IP address.

So, this will be handy if you want to by-pass Rapidshare 1 hour download limit, provided that you have a static IP address.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Megaupload Crack

Megaupload.Com - Cracks !!!

Downloading Instructions

1. step www.guardster.com click
2. step select to Access the Free Proxy and click
3. step Address: http:// remove and copy megaupload link and paste here
4. step
Options: No Cookies - No Scripts (X) - No Images - Hide Referrer
Hide User Agent - Hide Title - Hide Header......remove (X) from (No Scripts) it must clear and click "I agree and wish to surf anonymously".Now Megaupload download page will open...It is opening little slow but download very faster...

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Enable Folder Options

we will take this step-by step Procedure to enable folder options in control panel:

Please try in both Normal mode and Safe Mode, if Normal mode fail try safe

Open a run Command and type in:


On the group Policy locate this option under:

User configuration\Administrative Templates\windows components\Internet Explorer\InternetControl Panel\Browser menus

Then Look in the right Pane/Window for this Option...

Tools menu disable Internet Options... menu option.

Make sure this not Disabled for your account by double clicking it and see the settings there.
Note you can do any changes unless you are logged in as administrator.

Tips to increase XP performance

Tips for increasing XP performance

1] Your Pc Must have 256MB RAM , 512 MB Cache , Intel Pentium 4 Processor, 40 GB HDD. These are the minimum requirements.

2] If you see a 'virtual memory low' message then increase its virtual memory. To increase virtual memory,
Go to My Computer->Properties->Advanced->Performance Settings->Advanced->Virtual Memory->Change->Select the appropriate drive->Custom size->set appropriate level(our it is 600(min.) & 700(max.)->Ok.

3] Increase 'Visual Performance'. Go to My Computer->Properties->Advanced->Performance Settings->Visual Settings->Custom->Select only the following options.
a)Slide taskbar buttons.
b)Smooth edges of screen fonts.
c)Smooth-scroll list boxes.
d)Use a background image for each folder type.
e)Use visual style on windows and buttons.

4] Don't keep unwanted/extra fonts. To remove extra fonts, Go to Start->Settings->Control Panel->Fonts.

5] Your Desktop Wallpaper & Screensaver consume a large amount of disk space. Select the 'None' option for both wallpapers & Screensavers.

6] Avoid keeping DEMO Games.

7] Uninstall the unwanted Softwares.

8] Use Registry Cleaner to keep your registry clean(without errors).

9] Try to keep Music and pictures files in the folder specified by windows itself.

10]Use Hybernating Option for Quick windows start. To active Hybernating follow the following steps.
Desktop->Properties->Screensaver->Power->Hybernating->Enable Hybernating->Ok.

11] Keep your Dektop clean with unwanted icons.

12] Use Intel Application Accelerator to speed up your disk access,

13] Memory management (at least 512MB RAM Required). This allow XP to keep data in Memory instead of paging section of RAM.
Go to->Start->Run->regedit->HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SYSTEM->CurrentControlSet->Control->Session Manager->Memory Management->Double click it->DisablePageingExecutive->Double Clik it->Set value to 1.

14] Disable Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, and other unwanted programs from startup. (You can use registry editior to do this.). Because they do not appear in normal Startup Option.

15] Disable indexing files service (only if you do not use search option regularly). To do this follow the following steps.
Go to My Computer->Select the drive for which you want to disable the indexing service->Properties->Unselect 'Allow Indexing Service'->Ok.

16] For Windows XP, You must use NTFS partition. FAT partition is less supportive for Windows XP.

17] In BIOS, Select first booting device as your HDD.

18] Setting Priority High for a particular program.
Open Task Manager->Processes->Select the desired Program->Right Click->Set Priority->High->Ok.
This Priority set if for current session. Once you restart your system then its priority will again be Normal.

19] Keep deleting your Temporary Internet Files in regular intervals.
Go to Windows Drive (c: or d:)->Select the User->Local Settings->Temporary Internet Files

20] Empty your browser's cache in regular intervals.

21] Avoid keeping Movies in your PC.

PDF Tricks

Hey peoples now u can listen to wats there in a pdf document instead of reading the whole document....

Try out the following key combinations for Acrobat 6.0 & 7.0:

ctrl+ shift + b ---> To hear the whole document

ctrl + shift + v
---> To hear only the page

ctrl + shift + c ---> To resume

ctrl + shift + e ---> To stop

Tracing IP Address

Ideally you can use trace the IP of the person u r talking to on yahoo messenger by following steps.

1.) First Invite the person to a webcam or view his webcam. Transfer of any file through messenger will also do.

2.) Then go to DOS prompt and type netstat-n and view the open ports and connections.

3.) Identify the one thats yahoo messenger is using (you'll need practise and your common sense for doing that)

4.) You'll get the IP in foreign address column

5.) Ethereal will also do BUT remember only when during webcam chat or file transfer because yahoo never connects peer to peer when chatting(all the text is relayed through yahoo servers) but during webcam/file transfer it connects you peer to peer with that computer and you can trace your IP.

Find Invisible on Yahoo

To find who is invisible on yahoo messenger just do the simple steps written below :

1. Sign inside yahoo messenger

2. Double click on the person whom u want to see is invisible or not (from ur messenger list)

3. Then click on IMenvironment --> see all environments --> Interactive Fun --> Doodle.

Note: If the user is really offline in a white screen it will be written waiting for ur buddy to load Doodle but if he is online and he has made his status invisible- instead of the message (waiting for ur buddy to load doodle) there will be only a blank screen.

Faster Boot Time

First, let's do a bit of comparing with the "before and after" you try this registry trick. Please try restarting your pc and observe at the blue lines that appear upon booting. Notice how many times it appeared?

To increase system boot speed, here's what you can do...

1. Start>run> and type ''regedit''

2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/ SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control / Session Manager / Memory Managment / PrefetchParameters / EnablePrefetcher.

3. Double click on "Enableprefetcher"

4. Past 1 in Value Date, and Hexadecimal most be on(enable)

Then restart the pc and and look at the blue lines again. See how many times or how fast it goes? Most of the time it just quickly passes that part.

Chat on LAN

For chating in any lan you dont need any software .Just copy the code in the note pad .

@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A

Now save this as "Messenger.bat". Open the .bat file and in Command Prompt you should see:


After "User" type the IP address of the computer you want to contact.
After this, you should see this:
Now type in the message you wish to send.
Before you press "Enter" it should look like this:

Message: Hi

Now all you need to do is press "Enter", and start chatting!

Enable Regedit If Disabled by Administrator

How do you enable Registry Editing again if it has been disabled by your administrator?


I found a way to get into the registry editor if it’s been disabled, here how you do it:

1. Disable as much as you can from your startup. Remove programs from your startup folder and such, so as not to lag down the bootup process.

2. Create a new shortcut on your desktop, point it to "C:\Windows\regedit.exe"

3. Log off, then log back on

4. As soon as you see your desktop, double click on the shortcut. The system does not check for policies until a few seconds after it booted up. If you click on the icon fast enough, it should let you get in.

After that, do all you need? After you close it though, it will not open unless you redo step 3 and 4.


I found one vbs script to enable the registry editing. and below is the link.



The way to get into registry editing is simple. Open your start menu click Run and paste in the folowing command:
REGaddHKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Nhatquanglan Update

       I recently noticed a spurt in the traffic to my blog which is apparently caused by people looking for answers to the Nhatquanghlan worm. Well, over here in Chandigarh, it seems that this virus is just about in all computers and is being spread by the ubiquitous pen/usb/zip/thumb drive. From my ruminations on the net and frequent tinkering around the ward computer that gets reinfected almost every day, I have made certain observations that seem to make some conclusions about this worm.

1. This worm spreads by USB drives though it is possible that other portable media may be involved too.
2. It causes the task manager, the folder options, registry files to be altered.
3. It can be diagnosed by the above symptoms.
4. There is a crappy looking folder icon that is seen (with same name as the original folder), the file size of which is 282 kb.
5. It makes the computer slow down, and no anti-virus as of now seems to catch hold of it.
6. Inability to stop the USB drive from remove hardware safely option.
7. Inability to format the USB drive.
8. The worm is an autorun .exe file and executes and infects every time a USB drive is plugged in.


1. Download Hijack this(free), and the task manager fix of the interra group (also free), and a program called spybot killer.
2. Run the hijack this (rename it first or it wont start), and fix all files with scvhost.exe (not svchost.exe), run spybot, and then task manager fix. This should cure it. As u learn more about viruses, hijack this is probably the most useful program to have.
3. Reboot, and should run ok.


1. USB hygiene is paramount. Disable autorun (wont happen unless infection is cleared first) using administrative tools.
2. Do not run any program from the USB drive, copy paste on to computer first.
3. Scan USB drive all the times.
4. Format USB drive often.
5. Read about hakaglan on the web.